My family and I stumbled upon by pure luck at the gate of Jonash at Point D’esny, and were looking for a bungalow nearest the sea can go any ……
what more to say…. have to be lucky to be able to spend a holiday in the home of John & Asha, with them that make you feel better than at home.
The house is very nice and well-kept and is directly on the beach, at night you fall asleep with the sound of waves and wind, in the morning you wake up with a breathtaking view of the sea is truly amazing, great for snorkeling and canoes are kindly placed at the disposal of the guests.
John & Asha are just wonderful, I, my wife and especially my two children were welcomed and pampered as if we were of the same family.
We are proud to have met them and they have become our friends and take with us a wonderful memory.
Sicuamente back from Jonash.
Emilio, Emma, Yolanda & Josef