news and views on holidays and life in Mauritius

News and views on our mauritius blog

news and views

This is our ” Mauritius blog”

From time to time we will publish all the news and views and comments about , places to go,  things to do, what’s on in Mauritius, and many other topics on our “Mauritius blog” to help keep you informed so you can make the most of your stay and enjoy your holiday in Mauritius. If you wish, feel free share your experiences  of your holiday or stay in Mauritius.


Mahébourg tourist village: the renaissance

Mahebourg waterfront

Mahebourg waterfront

Major and minor renovations, complete transformation of the waterfront, free internet connection in the center of the village: the renaissance of Mahébourg to become a tourist village should begin at the end of the first quarter of next year. The Economic Development Board (EDB) hopes to make it a model.

The major transformation of Mahébourg into a tourist village should start by March 2019. This includes the great change that must know the waterfront Project more than ten years, the authorities hope to start the work at the same time.

The Request for expression of interest for its development in commercial and tourist center was launched on October 22nd. The deadline for submitting proposals is December 15th. “The assessment should not take more than a few weeks. If the exercise is conclusive, it is hoped that the promoter will be able to open the site towards March or April 2019 “, advance a person in charge of the file at the Economic Development Board.

The overall project is done with the forces, the private sector and the Association of Hoteliers and Restorers of Mauritius (Ahrim). Members of the public are also invited to make suggestions to the Ministry of Tourism.

By June 2019, other minor works should be completed. Among them, the development of parking spaces, the installation of surveillance cameras, the beautification of the Pointe-des-Régates monument and its surroundings, the installation of information panels on historical sites (the Watering Bowl, the Biscuiterie Rault, the National History Museum, the Lavoir, the Mahebourg market, the former railway station and the district court, among others).

Wi-Fi points will also be installed in different parts of the village. The historic sites, which are Pointe-Canon and the Naval Museum, will also be completely renovated.

The goal is to make this village a major attraction for the South of the country. It is also about exploiting its rich history and unique heritage. The transformation of Mahébourg results from the Tourism Strategic Plan 2018-2021. This was approved by the Council of Ministers in August.

Remember that this southern village has about twenty sites rich in history. Eight of them are classified as National Heritage Sites.

Mauritius History-from 10th century until the present day

The history of Mauritius

The first known visitors to the island of Mauritius is believed to be the Arabs way back in the 10th century.

Early Mauritius port

Early Mauritius

The Portuguese

The Portuguese are the first Europeans to have visited the island sometime at the beginning of the 16th century.

The Dutch

In 1598 the Dutch landed on the island at Grand port in the south east. Named “Mauritius” in honour of prince Maurits van Nassau. The last settlers leave Mauritius in 1710.

The French

The French landed in 1715 and renamed the island “Isle de France”. From this period on colonisation started and trade flourished. This lead to an increase to the slave trade, mainly from

Abolition of slavery monument

Abolition of slavery monument

Madagascar Mozambique.

The British

The British landed in the north and  conquered the island in 1810. They renamed the island “Mauritius” A few years later slavery was abolished. Laws, religion and

customs were allowed to remain.


In 1968 independence was proclaimed. In March 1992 Mauritius changed its status to a “Republic”


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Mauritius, geography-whereabouts-size

Where is Mauritius

People often ask the question “where is Mauritius”

Mauritius on the world map

Mauritius on the world map

Mauritius is an island in the Indian Ocean. It situated at 20°17’S and 57°33’E. It is about 855 kilometres east of Madacascar 

It has a land mass of approx 718 square miles or 1860 square kilometres. The island of Mauritius is about 58 km from north to south and 47 km from east to west.

There is over 145 kilometres of beautiful white sandy beaches. The lagoon is protected from the open sea by a coral reef which encircles most of Mauritius. The coral reef is the third largest in the world

Port Louis with a population of 147,688 is the capital of Mauritius is

For more detailed information please visit

Map of Mauritius